The Harcombe Diet – Phase 1

Phase 1 came about following Zoë’s review of all the early literature referenced on the pages for Candida (Reference i), Food Intolerance (ii) and Hypoglycaemia (iii). Zoë took the foods allowed and/or recommended for each condition and put them together to establish Phase 1.

Phase 1 is only five days long, although it is recommended to stay on Phase 1 for longer if you have more than 20lb to lose and/or if you have marked Candida overgrowth.

With unlimited meat, fish, eggs, vegetables (except potatoes/mushrooms), Natural Live (bio) Yoghurt, herbs, spices and one portion of ‘safe’ grains daily (brown rice, quinoa, oats)…

… Breakfasts can be: bacon & eggs; omelettes; Natural Live Yogurt; brown rice cereal (available from the gluten-free sections of supermarkets; porridge oats (made with water – milk is avoided for Phase 1 as it’s a common Food Intolerance)…

Lunches can be: Salade niçoise; coronation chicken wrap (one of our special recipes); chef’s salad; omelette; brown rice salad…

Dinners can be: Butternut squash curry with brown rice (one of our specials); steak & salad; chicken & stir-fry vegetables; rice pasta with home-made tomato sauce; paella; pork & crackling with parsnip chips; quinoa and Mediterranean vegetables…

This is eating as we should eat – real food – in satiating quantities.

It is best to get into the habit of eating three main meals a day with in between meal snacks only if you are genuinely hungry. However, the most important thing with Phase 1 is to complete it. So, if you need to snack between your three main meals then you can have cold meats, hard-boiled eggs, celery sticks, raw carrots, Natural Live Yoghurt or a tin of tuna – whatever it takes to keep hunger at bay.

Any of the diet books (Stop Counting Calories; Why do you overeat? The Harcombe Diet for Men) will give you menu plans/meal suggestions and lots more information about Phase 1.


Early literature

(i) Candida
“Candida – a 20th Century Disease” by Shirley Lorenzani (1986)
“The Yeast Syndrome” by John Parks Trowbridge MD and Morton Walker D.P.M (1986)
Candida Albicans – Could Yeast be your problem?” by Leon Chaitow (1987)
“The Yeast Connection” by William G. Crook MD (1983)
“Beat Candida through diet” by Gill Jacobs (1990)
(ii) Food Intolerance
“Food Intolerance – What it is and how to cope with it” by Robert Buist (1984)
“5-Day Allergy Relief System” by Dr Marshall Mandell and Lynne Scanlon (1979)
“The Allergy Hanbdook” by Dr Keith Mumby (1988)
“Allergies – Your Hidden Enemy?” by Theron Randolph MD and Ralph W.Moss PhD (1981)
“Not all in the Mind” by Dr Richard Mackarness (1976)
“The False Fat Diet” by Elson M Haas MD and Cameron Stauth (2001)
“The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance” by Dr Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamlin (1989)
(iii) Hypoglycaemia
“Hypoglycaemia – the disease your doctor won’t treat” by Saunders and Ross (1980)
“Low blood glucose (Hypoglycaemia). The twentieth century epidemic?” by Martin L Budd (1983)
“New low blood sugar and you” by Carlton Fredericks (1985)

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Website Comments

    • avatar Andy

      clubadmin (at) theharcombedietclub dotcom
      (you’ll need to decipher the code 😉 )

    • avatar Andy

      Hi Laurence, drop me an email with your address and I’ll pop them in the post for you.

  1. avatar Chasey Polatas

    Hello. I started phase one today. What can I do for salad dressing.

  2. avatar Michelle Naunton

    Hi could you please let me know how i can get hold of the ‘food allowed ‘ cards for each phas?

    • avatar Andy

      If you drop me an email with your address, I’ll pop some in the post for you.

  3. avatar Pat

    Hi Andy
    I am planning on starting phase 1 in January. I have bought three books 3 Step Plan, the recipe book and stop counting calories. I have been reading through them and wanted to know if I could make stews, chillis and casseroles for main meals?

    • avatar Andy

      Of course. Drop us an email with your address and we’ll pop some in the post for you.

  4. avatar Ash

    Hi. On p1. Can I mix olive oil with nly to make a dressing or do I need to limit olive oil intake?, thanks

  5. avatar Mr Rob Warner

    Can I eat pork Scatchings in phase one?
    can you also send some foods cards

    • avatar Andy

      Yes, if they are home-made (just grill slowly with some sea-salt)
      please drop me an email with your address and I’ll pop some cards in the post for you.

  6. avatar Laurie Tretina

    Hello Andy

    I am new to Phase 1 starting today. I would appreciate something I could print out with 5 days of meals to help guide me. I am not vegetarian.

  7. avatar Antonia Lyons

    Hi, could you please tell me which phase you’d advise after a weekend, a weeding or a night out?
    Since we came across the amazing Harcombe diet many years ago (my husband had successfully gave up on smoking but ended up putting a bit of weight on), we’d now do phase 1 one or two days whenever we cheat but I must admit this is becoming a little bit restrictive.
    Would you go to that length every week (it’s the weekend we tend to cheat the most or when we are out) or would you just leave phase 1 as a post holiday detox boost?
    At home we are very happy with our weight as we feel this is our ideal weight, so the reason why we carry on with the phases is cause we know it’s the best way to eat.
    However after getting rid of process food, trying not to mix as much as possible, I sometimes feel still confused about the cheating bit, as I tend to get quite panicky while my husband tends to be more flexible about it. So I ended up wanting to do phase one the whole time, which has then started to feel quite burdensome!
    Thank you!

    • avatar Andy

      I’d suggest that you need to find something that works for you that you can stick to. Ph1 has it’s restrictions for a reason, so if you can better manage Ph2 (and sticking to it, not ‘on’ for 2 days and ‘off’ for 5), then maybe give that a go.

  8. avatar SJ


    I’m a week in on phase 1 and I’m aiming for 6-8 weeks on phase 1. I’m wondering if there are any great salad recipes people can recommend for me please? Thanks.

  9. avatar Kath Dupre

    Just started phase 1, is the yogurt full fat or fat free, I use naturally bio yogurt

  10. avatar Sue

    Hi Andy,
    Could you please help me understand why NLY is good, but milk is not allowed?

    And is there anything that can be used to whiten decaf tea and coffee in Phase 1? That is the only thing that I am finding really hard. Maybe almond milk, coconut milk, LactoFree milk?


  11. avatar Lorraine


    I have signed up to this diet today, can we have tinned tomatoes or must they be fresh ones only . Also can you send me the food allowed cards as this will help me.

    • avatar Andy

      tinned tomms are fine as long as they are just plain toms (no sugar added etc).
      email me your address and I’ll pop some cards in the post for you.

      • avatar Callie Tremlett

        Could I have the cards too please? I can’t find my Harcombe Diet book so I need a little guidance as I wait for a new one. Can you also remind me if we’re allowed olives in Phase 1 and no potatoes right? Thanks.

      • avatar Bruce

        Food cards for me too please if possible or link on the website for what foods are what, I have the audio book on Harcombe for Men and a Kindle version of The Harcombe Diet Stop Counting Calories & Start Losing Weight but specific information on on foods is hard to extra and keep close.

        • avatar Andy

          please drop me an email with your address and I’ll pop some in the post for you.

  12. avatar Emma Radley

    I am about to start phase 1 and hear people talking about food allowed cards – this would be very helpful. Can I download these at all?
    Thank you so much.

  13. avatar Denise

    Hi Rachel I’m about to start Phase 1 of your diet please could you send some recipes or suggestions.
    Thank you

  14. avatar Artemis

    What about coffee? I am thinking to start this diet but I really love coffee and I don’t like decaffeinated coffee. Thank you!

  15. avatar Lucie Shaw

    Hi Andy,

    Please can I have some food allowed cards. I tried to email but got a bounce back.

  16. avatar Martina

    Hello, I have now been on phase 1 for 11 weeks and lost 34 lbs. I am still 28 lbs overweight. I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, so my main protein sources have been eggs and tofu having avoided the pulses and beans. Shall I continue with phase one until I have lost the rest of the weight, or will I continue to lose weight on phase 2, after reintroduction of cheese, pulses and fruit; providing I avoid mixing carbohydrates and fats?
    I am so thankful that I found this diet and Zoe’s recommendations; having a very long history (over 40 years) of eating disorders, obsessive yo yo dieting and depression. The most significant difference I’ve found is a mental one, in that my attitude to “just living” has altered. Most of the time even everyday tasks could potentially be problematic. Previously, when dieting led to weight loss, I’d be pleased, but I was never rid of the constant underlying craving and being miserable about food. I describe it as an addiction like drugs/alcohol because food (especially high fat and high sugar) would be my first thought when faced with any difficulty. I’m an ex smoker so I recognize the symptom of reaching for “the fix”. I am hoping that this time the “bubble will not burst”. Thank you.

    • avatar Andy

      Well done you on your progress :-))
      If you’ve completed 11 weeks on Ph1, your probably fine moving onto Ph2, but introduce new food options one at a time and watch out for signs of intolerances.

  17. avatar Jayne Bowater

    Hi Andy.
    I’ve just started day 4 of phase 1& haven’t lost any weight. Also I’m often hungry which I thought should be slightly curbed. I don’t want to give up as I’m very inspired but rather disappointed. Is there any advise you could give me please?

    • avatar Andy

      Depending on how much you have to lose, you may need to stick to Ph1 for a bit longer. Make sure that you eat enough at meal times to get you through to the next meal and adjust portions for your own requirements.

  18. avatar Elaine Burfield

    Hi Andy. On Phase 1, am I allowed a vegetable stock cube and 1 parsnip to make vegetable soup. Also is balsamic vinegar allowed. Thanks

    • avatar Andy

      Many veggie stock cubes that I’ve come across are fine. Parsnips are quite ‘carby’ so don’t go mad on them.
      No vinegar on Ph1.

  19. avatar Kiki

    I would like to try this diet, so I was wondering which book would have at least a weeks worth of sample menus in it to get me started? I was also wondering if potatoes and whole wheat were allowed on this diet, and if so how much?

    • avatar Andy

      Stop Counting Calories & Start Losing weight and 3-Step plan have meal plans for Ph1 and Ph2
      No pots or wheat on Ph1, ok thereafter as long as you’re ok with both. We don’t specify portion sizes.

        • avatar Andy

          If you can drop me an email to clubadmin at theharcombedietclub dotcom with your address, I’ll pop some in the post for you.

    • avatar Andy

      No need to replace anything, just make veggie meals. There are veggie alternative plans in Stop Counting Calories and The three step plan.

    • avatar Andy

      Hi Sam, if you send me an email with your address, I’ll pop some in the post for you.

    • avatar Andy

      Hi Karen. I only have them as printed cards. If you can email me your address, I’ll pop some in the post for you.

  20. avatar Andy Wilson

    Hi. Do you have any specific guidance for Type 1 Diabetics on the diet please? I imagine regulating blood sugars will be a bit of a nightmare at first.

  21. avatar Rachel Hixson

    Hi, I’ve just started Phase 1 today. Please can you let me know how we can get hold of the ‘foods allowed’ cards for each phase?

    • avatar Andy

      Hi Rachel, if you drop me an email with your address, I’ll pop some in the post for you.

  22. avatar Therese Mayo

    Hi I’ve just bought Zoe’s book and am keen to get started. I’m a pescatarian and just wondered if I would do as well on phase 1 if I’m only eating fish rather than meat too? I’m a reluctant one as I like meat but I was getting very nauseas after eating it so that’s why I stopped. I’ve put on two stone since and am so desperate to get the weight off. I think I have the three illnesses listed in the book

    • avatar Andy

      You can take the meal plans and replace any of the meat options with a fish meal instead. Be sure to otherwise stick to the rules and carb limits.

  23. avatar Andrea

    Hi just done my 5 day phase 1. Lost 6lb yeah!!! Can I have mushrooms in phase 2


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