The Eatwell Plate – Harcombe Diet Style

The Eatwell Plate

Forget all the complex segments of the UK eatwell plate, filled with processed and sugary junk and affectionately known to Harcomber’s as ‘The Eatbadly Plate’, this photo is all the visual guidance you need. Get a large plate, half fill it with meat and half fill it with greens and devour until satiated.

There are many more great recipes like this in The Harcombe Diet Recipe Book Recipe Book

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Website Comments

  1. avatar Stephanie

    Thanks, I tried the Harcombe diet three or four days a week sometimes five and it still works for me. I am now stable around 9st 12 and much happier.

  2. avatar Stephanie

    I have been diagnosed six months ago with an underactive thyroid and vitamin D deficiency and been prescribed appropriate drugs. I have always eaten fresh veg and low carbs I am stuck with a weight between 10st 4 – 10st 7 and it wont budge down further, I even tried the 5 and 2 diet but it went down then came back again, I get really depressed about it, I used to be a size 10 right up until I was 45. I read on another forum for thyroid problems that someone’s Gp unofficially recommended the Harcombe diet. Do you think it would work for someone who has an underactive thyroid?

    • avatar Andy

      Hi Stephanie.
      You’ll need to talk to your doctor to get medical advice for your condition. Eating really nourishing food in favour of processed junk can’t do you any harm though.


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