Homemade Pate

Homemade Pate

Liver is another one of nature’s superfoods but many people unfortunately find the texture unpalatable. Pate, therefore, is a great way to get healthy liver into your diet in a delicious dish.
This is a basic recipe which can easily be adapted to suit your own tastes. You can experiment with different kinds of liver – pork, calves, chicken; adding additional ingredients – mushrooms, peppers, orange/lemon peel and changing the balance of ingredients.
Once made, the pate should keep for a week in a cold fridge and you can eat it as a snack (delicious on celery), with a salad and one recent guest even had it for breakfast with their bacon and egg!

1 Large onion, chopped
500g lambs liver, chopped .
2 Bacon rashers, chopped.
Butter for cooking.
Salt & Pepper – plenty.
1/2 teaspoon dried Italian herbs
50ml cream.

1) Heat the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion. Set is aside.
2) Fry the liver & bacon in this pan until browned.
3) Return the onions to the pan and stir well together. Add the salt & pepper and ½ the herbs.
4) Put the mixture in a mixing bowl and cool for 10 minutes.
5) Add the cream and hand blend until the substance forms a coarse paste.
6) Place the pate in small pots, or one serving dish, as desired.
7) Add a knob of butter to the frying pan and the rest of the herbs. Melt and pour on top of the pate for an authentic and delicious finish.


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    • avatar Andy

      Phase 1 a minumum of 5 days
      Phase 2 as long as you want to continue to lose weight.
      Everyone is different so you will need to try and see what works best for you.

  1. avatar Danielle

    Can this be a P1 recipe if you use NLY?

    If it can does do you have to use low fat yogurt for P1?

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